Fundamental Baptist Men Meetings
From the Vice President
Subject: Opportunities for Organization Development of Fundamental Baptist Men in Compact, Zonal, and Regional Churches in Mindanao.
Dear Brethren:
In the Name of our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, warm-hearted greetings to you all!!
It is a great feeling that by the unwavering inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the National Association of Fundamental Baptist Men in the Philippines (NAFBM) has been conceived and in active operation for around half a decade in the Visayas and Luzon regions, and sporadically emerging in Mindanao region. The dim light of birth and operation of the Association in Mindanao is not a surprise since laymen in Fundamental Baptist churches are widely set apart in view of demographic variations to include geographic characteristics, culture, values, and preferences of people in diverse communities. However, by and large, this awakening past serves as a treasure for reflection of the aura of opportunities when at the present time, Baptist men strongly connect with each other to gain spiritual power and strength in accomplishing eternal-laden output all for the honor and glory of the Almighty.
As the Vice-President-elect for Mindanao in the organizational structure of the National Association of Fundamental Baptist men in the Philippines, I take the pleasure of relaying the text message sent by Bro. Alan Java, overall President of the Association to disseminate the information relating to two (2) sets of National Fellowship meetings for the remaining months of the fiscal year 2017, for attendance participation and involvement of Baptist men leaders and members in Mindanao. Apparently, the attendance of at least 3 or 4 dozens of delegates from the Mindanao Region is deeply encouraged to enable our very own region to earn organizational development, and promote the national and regional vision, mission and goals of the Association.
Scheduled to be undertaken on August 27-28, 2017 is the National Leaders Conference which will be held in Manila Baptist Church, Padre Faura, Manila. The major agenda of this Conference are: a.) Setting decision and actions in the reorganization of laymen by region, and b.) Detailing and finalizing programs and activities for the National fellowship of Baptist men which will be held in Coron, Puerto Princesa, Palawan on December 6-9, 2017. This second agendum serves as the concluding national gathering of Baptist men for the year.
For the Lord's sake, let us collectively connect our heart-strings of brotherhood and stand together in faith and spirit to be equal to anything as Christ is with us. God breathes His strength on Fundamental Baptist men, whom he calls the "mighty men of valor." This is what makes us strong, unmovable and steadfastly prevailing in all kinds of adversities and circumstances.
We intimately need each other, and in closing, I remain
Very truly yours in Christ,
NAFBM Vice-President for Mindanao